New Report – Cancer Death Rates At 25 Year Low
Causes Financial Burden For Some Americans
Live Science published an article titled Cancer Death Rates Reach 25 Year Low.
This article outlines a new report that says that the US cancer death rate has dropped 27 percent during a period from 1991 to 2016.
Including a decline in major cancers.
While this is great news health wise, it can also provide a financial burden on people with the added expenses of treatment and possibly being out of work.
When people get cancer and live through it, it can mean more bills which can be a burden to their financial well being.
Most people are under the impression that their health insurance will cover everything after they pay their deductible.
Many cancer treatments are not covered by health insurance which can mean large medical expenses.
If these are not paid in a timely matter, they can be put on your credit report as collection accounts.
This can adversely affect your ability to qualify for additional credit to help pay for these expenses.
Also, many people are out of work for extended periods of time while going through treatment and are unable to pay their everyday bills as well (cable, mortgage/rent, utilities, etc…).
Cancer Insurance Is Available
Most people don’t know that their are cancer insurance policies that can protect you against these issues.
A cancer insurance policy can help keep your finances up to date, pay for medical expenses, and keep your credit in good standing.
Lump sum policies give you the money and allow you to spend it on whatever you need.
For a minimal amount per month, you could have the peace of mind knowing that you are protected in case of an unfortunate event.
Do you have a family history of cancer?
Do you have enough reserves in savings or investments to pay for the extra expenses?
Here’s Your Next Step
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