New Report – Cancer Death Rates At 25 Year Low Causes Financial Burden For Some Americans Live Science published an article titled Cancer Death Rates Reach 25 Year Low. This article outlines a new report that says that the US cancer death rate has dropped 27 percent during a period from 1991 to 2016. Including […]
See What AARP Says About The High Cost Of Cancer Treatment
Here is an article from AARP on the high cost of cancer treatment and how if can affect your finances. They say in the article that cancer patients are two and a half times more likely to file for bankruptcy than healthy people. The other staggering fact that they present is that those patients who […]
Could A Cancer Insurance Policy Have Helped This Teacher?
CNN reported a story about a teacher in Florida that was fighting cancer and did not have any sick days left. Fortunately, other employees of his school donated their sick days so that he could have paid leave. Within 4 days of finding out about their co-worker, the other employees of the school were able […]
eSupplemental Blog Post
Welcome to our Website. Please check back for updated blog posts! We are a full-service supplemental insurance company, here to help guide you through the process. We help: individuals families small businesses Just like when purchasing other types of insurance from an agent, our service is free to you. Whether going to the insurance company […]