Our specialty is Cancer Insurance in Missouri and we’ll give you quotes from only the top available carriers in Missouri. We will provide up to 6 different cancer insurance quotes in one easy to read quote comparison sheet. We will show you Lump Sum plans and Over the Course of Treatment (Scheduled Benefit) Plans. All benefits in a cancer policy are paid directly to you, the insured, regardless of any other medical coverage. Rates are typically age banded and do not increase with age.
Missouri Cancer Insurance has become popular primarily due to the devastating nature of the disease on families, the huge medical costs involved in treatment and the increasing rates of both incidents of the disease and survival rates with proper treatment.
Missouri Cancer Insurance policies act to supplement existing health plans and can offer many different benefits as outlined below. It should be noted however that individual policies may differ greatly and benefits are ONLY paid in the event of an occurrence of this disease.
The facts are startling: 1 in 2 American men and 1 in 3 women will get cancer in their lifetimes*. Though you can take steps to lower your risk of developing cancer—eat healthy foods, exercise, wear sunscreen and stop smoking—cancer can still affect almost anyone.
Worse, your health insurance may not cover all of the costs of treating cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 65% of cancer related expenses aren’t covered by regular health insurance*. But you can still protect yourself and your assets from the cost of cancer with a supplemental cancer insurance policy.
Find out if you need this kind of coverage and how to get it.
Why Missouri Cancer Insurance?
The high incidence of cancer means that you or someone in your family may develop cancer at some point. And while your health insurance policy may cover a portion of physician, hospital, cancer therapy or prescription drug bills, it probably doesn’t cover them in full.
And your insurance isn’t likely to touch the other major costs of cancer, including loss of income, transportation, childcare, housekeeping and home nursing expenses. If you or another family member is unable to fulfill his or her usual responsibilities while ill, your family and your family’s finances could suffer greatly
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What it covers
Missouri Cancer insurance provides benefits in addition to your other medical or disability insurance.
Who needs it?
You may not need Missouri Cancer Insurance, but you might want to consider this supplemental coverage. You should think about purchasing Missouri Cancer Insurance if:
- You have a family history of cancer. (Although, if you’ve already been diagnosed with cancer in the past, you probably won’t qualify for coverage.
- You don’t have enough in savings to pay medical bills your regular health insurance won’t cover.
- You are your family’s sole wage earner.
- You are concerned about protecting your family’s financial assets.
What are the issue ages?
This will vary depending on the insurer. We offer policies from ages 18-85.
I currently have cancer or have had cancer in the past, will I still get coverage?
If you currently have cancer or have had cancer within the past 10 years, you will most likely be denied coverage. If you have only had a minor skin cancer, you may still be able to get coverage. Talk to us further about your situation and we will be able to let you know if coverage will be accepted.
I currently smoke, will that affect my price or coverage?
It will not affect your coverage however some companies charge a higher premium depending on the last time you smoked.
Do you offer Lump Sum Cancer Policies in Missouri?
Yes, we offer both Lump Sum polices that pay large benefits upfront as well as indemnity policies that payout over the course of treatment.
I currently have health insurance will this affect my coverage?
Not at all. Cancer insurance is designed to help supplement any medical coverage you currently have. Whether you use the money to pay deductibles associated with your medical insurance or for expenses medical insurance does not cover such as the mortgage payment, the money you receive is yours to do whatever you see fit to make ends meet.