Found this article in the Washington Post regarding costs associated with Cancer treatments. Having a lump sum cancer insurance policy can really help save you financially why you fight to save yourself physically. Read Full Article Continuing advances in cancer treatment are a double-edged sword for many patients: New drugs, surgical techniques and other innovations […]
Disability Insurance | What is it?
What if tomorrow you fell seriously ill or get critically injured and you cannot work for a long period of time? Who is going to pay the bills? If you do not have a regular paycheck, you and your family could be in grave danger. You could face difficulties paying your rent, your mortgage and […]
Cancer Insurance – Do you need it?
I have read many articles about the pros and cons of cancer insurance. When I first heard about cancer insurance, I didn’t believe in it either. This all changed when a family member had a policy and had to use it. I have found that this is the case with most people. You don’t truly […]
eSupplemental Blog Post
Welcome to our Website. Please check back for updated blog posts! We are a full-service supplemental insurance company, here to help guide you through the process. We help: individuals families small businesses Just like when purchasing other types of insurance from an agent, our service is free to you. Whether going to the insurance company […]